Sunday, December 03, 2006

Pasta With Cheese Sauce, Walnuts, & Mushrooms

I'd got half a pot of Sainsbury's three-cheese sauce leftover from the gratin I made recently, so I rustled up a quick & easy meal.

Ingredients: Penne pasta, cheese sauce, walnuts, Portobello mushrooms, cayenne pepper, freshly-grated nutmeg, freshly-milled black pepper, freshly-grated Parmesan.

Method: Boil pasta, & gently heat the cheese sauce (or indeed make a sauce from scratch- recipe in the gratin link). Roast the shelled walnuts on a baking tray (6 minutes, 120 degrees c).
Gently fry the chopped mushrooms in a separate frying pan (just a little oil).
Mix the sauce with the cooked pasta, mushrooms, and walnuts, and season with the nutmeg and cayenne pepper. I love them both, so used plenty. Add some black pepper, and Parmesan.
Deeeelicious, and only takes about 15 mins, including preparation.

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